Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How It Started


It all started when my parents left the Philippines to work in the United States first quarter of the year 2008. My father allowed me to take care of the farm while he's not around.

The farm has 100+ of 25+ years old Mango trees. Other trees such as chico, durian, atis, duhat, rambutan, siniguelas, bayabas, saging, papaya, and marang are all scattered in the farm. We also have goats and they were 10 native goats and 1 Boer buck when my parents left. The buck was sold to Papa by Richard Eary for only 5K Pesos ($116)! That's cheap! The price should have been 15K ($348) to 25K ($581) but Richard wanted to help Papa. 

This is how my goat business started. Right now I have already produced hundred plus goats since the beginning. We have been blessed to have Richard Eary as a friend who sold cheap Boers to us. I am also thankful for Billy for taking care of the goats while I work in Manila. I promised myself that I will help people by selling affordable goats like the experience we had with Richard Eary. I will also share my techniques on handling this business.

Billy my caretaker with my first Boer

My second Boer


Brgy. Ayala, Magalang, Pampanga, Philippines.
30 Minute travel from NLEX Angeles Exit.


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